Contact Us

A Gateway to Wellness


Adults living within a 20km radius of Ripon, North Yorkshire can complete a self-referral.  We have twenty free hours of counselling given by our university student placement counsellors and subsidised therapy at £45 per session – providing evidence of benefits will receive a discounts. All the above is subject to current funding availability and waiting lists.
Due to demand there is currently a 12 week waiting list for all self-referrals

We DO NOT accept referrals from commissioned services such as NHS, Crisis Team, CMHT, IAPT or CAMHS, primary or secondary care unless a funding route is available.

The Wellness Gateway is not a crisis service. If you need urgent support, please do not complete this form.
Instead, Shout is a digital mental health charity – text SHOUT to 85258 for help. It is free and operates 24/7.
or if you are in North Yorkshire call The All Age Crisis Line 0800 051 6171 24 HOURS 7 DAYS A WEEK OR
Call the Samaritans on 116 123 | Attend your local A&E department 

Referral contact form

Only complete this form if you are (please tick) ...

Is this referral for yourself? Otherwise due to data protection you cannot refer someone else.

Would you like to be considered for twenty free counselling sessions with a mature university student counsellor?

Have you historically experienced any of the following Adverse Childhood Experiences (tick all that apply):

Are you currently experiencing any of the following (tick all that apply):

Have you been adopted or in foster care?

Are you using:

Have you ever been sectioned?

Have you ever attempted suicide?

Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence?

Please tell us if a GP has been involved about the symptoms?

Trauma is defined as anything that has had a long-lasting negative effect, this can be psychological, physical or emotional; would you consider this to be the case?

Would you consider this problem as a safeguarding issue? (high risk of immediate harm)

Use of Personal Information (Please tick to confirm)

Are you in receipt of benefits? Unless you have opted for free sessions with a student, please be aware that sessions are subsidised at £45 each. Evidence of some benefits will discount this cost.

Quick contact form

The Wellness Gateway

is based in

Ripon Community House

Sharow View, 75 Allhallowgate

Ripon HG4 1LE

Please contact us before visiting as the offices aren’t manned all the time.