Giving Tuesday 3 December 2024 

We are partnered with Giving Tuesday which is a global enterprise that celebrates #GivingTuesday which takes place on 3 December. 
It is a chance for us to celebrate and encourage giving, engaging with current and new donors, shining a light and raising awareness of their cause, celebrating their volunteers and staff.  It amplifies our voice to help those in need to make life a little better.
Our founder Gail Donnan is hosting an on-line lunch break (12.30pm) 20 minute meditation/relaxation on 3 December – anyone can donate and connect on the day.   

You can book via the link below:

£5 would enable 1 volunteer to support our Women’s Circle

£10 would enable 3 volunteers to support our Men’s Social Group 

£25 would enable someone to have a triage assessment straight away

£45 would enable an adult to receive one to one therapy straight away

Donate via BACS or Standing Order:

The Wellness Gateway CIC
Zempler Bank
Sort Code 08-71-99
Account 09763226


Via PayPal or card.

Click the button below…