We are a small charity trying to accomplish big things.  We are run by volunteers, wellness professionals and trauma-informed specialists that want to give back in their spare time. To promote and protect the mental and physical health and to relieve the needs of those in need by reason of age, ill-health or disability of persons living within a 20km radius of Ripon, North Yorkshire, through counselling, therapy and other support (funding dependent).

We are passionate about improving mental, physical & emotional wellness along with trauma care. 

We bring:

  • Over 50 cumulative years of experience from trauma-informed keynote speakers and trainers
  • Grass roots outreach experience from our school wellness hubs
  • Qualitative and quantitative data in this field
  • Our experience of sitting on the commissioning board for Complex Emotional Needs in NY
  • Up to date research in this field
  • A wide selection of reference material and books on adverse childhood experiences and trauma
  • Pilot schemes in schools around childhood adversity and trauma
  • Evidence based experience around adverse childhood experiences, trauma and public health
  • Community consultation data
  • Our experience working with stakeholders and being external trainers for the NHS
  • Our experience with clinical supervision in this area
  • Accredited trauma-informed training
  • Primary care approval to support childhood adversity and trauma 

There is only one pathway to access our services:

If you are over 18 and live within a 20km radius of Ripon, North Yorkshire you can access an free assessment by completing a full self-referral on our contact page. Therapy options are:

1. Twenty free counselling sessions with one of our university student placement counsellors

2. Subsidised therapy with one of our experienced therapists £45 per session – evidence of benefits will discount this cost


Adult Services:

  • Psychotherapy, Eye-movement De-Sensitisation & Re-Processing (EMDR)
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
  • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
  • Dialectal Behavioural Therapy (DBT)
  • Counselling/Talking Therapy
  • Clinical Hypnotherapy 
  • Men’s Social Group Ripon
  • Women’s Circle Ripon 
  • CMA Accredited Psychological Trauma-informed diploma
  • Trauma-informed workshops
  • Student Counselling Placements
  • Outreach Hubs 
  • Fundraising Well-being events such as Trauma-informed Yoga, Meditation & Sound Healing

We are pleased to say that we are an approved organisation working in conjunction with Living Well North Yorkshire who are the contracted provider for the four Primary Care Networks across Harrogate and Rural District to deliver a social prescribing service across seventeen GP Practices. Social prescribing (also known as community referral) allows GPs, nurses and other healthcare workers to signpost patients to support outside of health services, through community organisations, local support groups and holistic hubs. Social prescribing can be accessed through self-referral, mental health and social care services, pharmacists and hospitals.

Primary Care Networks help integrate primary care with secondary and community services, and bridge a gap between general practice and emerging Integrated Care Systems. GP practices are working together with community, mental health, social care, pharmacy, hospital and voluntary services in their local areas in groups of practices known as primary care networks (PCNs). PCNs build on existing primary care services and enable greater provision of proactive, personalised, coordinated and more integrated health and social care for people close to home. Clinicians describe this as a change from reactively providing appointments to proactively caring for the people and communities they serve.

Please signpost individuals to our contact page.

Our Blended Approach – Neurosequential Theory (Dr. Bruce Perry)

  • Top down approach or cognitive (the mind) educating people about the mind and body, the imprint of trauma and interacting memory into the rational brain by talking therapies and hypnotherapy
  • Bottom up approach or somatic (the body) encouraging people to re-connect with their bodies, to trust others and build relationships, to spend time in nature, sensory activities,  rhythmic and regular self-regulation 
  • To invite people who have used the centre to become part of a community consultation group
  • To remove barriers to recovery


How do we work?

We are passionate about relieving anyone over 18 in need, by assessment, then offering advice, signposting, private therapy, therapeutic activities and education where funding permits. 


“I contacted The Wellness Gateway (formerly the trauma centre) because for a long time, I had felt ‘stuck’, anxious and depressed for no apparent reason. Over the years, I have tried other types of therapy but the feelings just kept coming back. After an initial assessment, Gail the practice lead told me that I had met the criteria for complex PTSD resulting from years of unresolved trauma. I knew immediately that she had got to the root of my problems. Gail suggested EMDR. Her calm, caring approach meant I could trust her and work through my painful memories in a safe environment. During one-to-one sessions, she showed me simple exercises to release negative emotions. She helped me to feel peace in my own body for the first time in decades. It is no exaggeration to say that EMDR at The Wellness Gateway (formerly know as The Trauma Centre) has been life-changing for me. I feel like a different person inside now and I can’t thank Gail enough!”
This particular client had 8 sessions.


I am a mental health nurse who has been subject to sexual abuse as a young child, teenager, and adult. I have always pushed the abuse to a deep place within myself hoping that total avoidance would help me overcome the distress I felt. Ultimately it just ended up manifesting itself into prolific self-harm for 20 years.

It was only when a patient I was working with made their own disclosure around sexual abuse that caused all my hidden pushed down emotions to resurface. I attempted to seek help from my local community mental health team and was informed they did not have someone with the skills required to support me, they did however inform me about The Wellness Gateway (formerly known as The Trauma Centre).

I made a quick, easy self-referral and was contacted shortly after by Gail Donnan.  She showed empathy, warmth, kindness, and compassion, I felt listened to an understood instantly. Gail became my trauma-focused EMDR therapist, now being a mental health nurse, I knew of EMDR, but I never fully understood what it entailed. Gail explained in a manner which I could understand, and I felt empowered that this would work and my gosh how right she was.

I have had lots of previous support for my mental health but not one person dared to venture into the depths of my troubles except Gail. We challenged them head on and the immense release of emotions, pressure, tension, body aches, I felt afterwards was something beyond being able to describe in words. I cannot thank Gail enough for the support and skills she has shown and taught me throughout my journey, I am forever grateful.

This particular client had 5 trauma-focused EMDR sessions over 3 months.