Welcome to

The Wellness Gateway

  Welcome to our website

Our aim is to advance the mental & physical health of anyone living within a 20km radius of Ripon, North Yorkshire; by helping people of any age maintain or improve their mental or physical health through formal or informal counselling and therapy or other support.

We are a tiny community interest company trying to do big things. We are based across the Harrogate and Rural district area and have two therapy rooms at Community House on Allhallowgate in Ripon, North Yorkshire and other spaces over the district.  We offer a triage system to assess people’s needs whether that would be advice, signposting, therapy, therapeutic activities, self-help classes, wellness or training.  We offer trauma-informed education and accredited training to help people living with adverse childhood experiences and the effects of trauma. We are a preventative service, hopefully stopping problems escalating to the point of needing more serious and costly intervention and support.

How do we work? 

We are run by stakeholders, volunteers, trauma-informed staff and wellness practitioners that want to give back in their spare time.

What do we bring?

  • Over 50 cumulative years of experience from trauma-informed keynote speakers and trainers
  • Grass roots outreach experience from our school wellness hubs
  • Qualitative and quantitative data in this field
  • Our experience of sitting on the commissioning board for Complex Emotional Needs in NY
  • Up to date research in this field
  • A wide selection of reference material and books on adverse childhood experiences and trauma
  • Pilot schemes in schools and GP surgeries around childhood adversity and trauma
  • Evidence based experience around adverse childhood experiences, trauma and public health
  • Community consultation data
  • Our experience working with stakeholders and being external trainers for the NHS
  • Our experience with clinical supervision in this area
  • Accredited trauma-informed training
  • Primary care approval to support childhood adversity and trauma 


How do people access our services?

There is one pathway to access our services:

If you live within a 20km radius of Ripon, North Yorkshire please complete a full self-referral on our contact page. Please be aware that everything we offer is funding dependant. The therapy options are below:

1. Twenty free counselling sessions with one of our university student placement counsellors (over 16s only)

2.  Subsidised therapy with one of our experienced therapists £45 per session – evidence of benefits will discount this cost.


We do not accept referrals currently from services such as NHS, Crisis Teams, IAPT, CMHT, GP surgeries, Primary or Secondary Care, schools unless an established funding route exists.  

Why do we do what we do? 

We are passionate about bridging the gap between mental, emotional and physical health, the lack of community wellness support and raising awareness around the effects of a trauma care.  


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 We offer:

  • One to One Psychotherapy
  • Trauma-Sensitive Restorative Yoga
  • Healing and Body Therapies
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
  • Clinical Hypnotherapy
  • Men’s Support Groups
  • Women’s Circle
  • ASD and ADHD support
  • Student Counselling Placements
  • Clinical Supervision 
  • EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
  • Trauma-Focused EMDR
  • The Rewind Technique
  • Trauma Tension and Release
  • Wild Swimming for mental health
  • Outdoor Mindfulness with nature
  • Trauma-Informed Workshops
  • Accredited Psychological Trauma-informed Qualification
  • 4 session online learning self-help courses designed from EMDR Therapy techniques
  • De-brief support
  • CBT trauma-informed Menopause education
  • Psychological Education
  • Creative Workshops for children to help understanding their emotions (by school invitation only)
  • Community Wellness Hubs in schools
  • A holding space for under 18s to talk

The Wellness Gateway is an approved therapy centre offering placements with Leeds Beckett University

Supported by

We are proud to be associated with Freedom From Abuse – a Community Interest Company focused on reducing the incidents and abuse and aiding recovery from abuse throughout the UK since 2004.